Private LAbel

Less Quantity, Wide Variety!

In Private Label Projects; while the formulation deserves the highest importance, the most difficult and exhausting process is the packaging. Designs, stickers, bottles, cans, caps, shrinks, boxes, displays, etc.

The product you are imagining might not be 100% same when you try to produce it. As claimed above, there are lots of factors to be considered and all these parts should dance in harmony. Another obstacle we face is the Minimum Order Quantity for packages. For example, the package producer will be asking for 1 tonnes of packs(PPE) for a new diapers design. This quantity is only for 1 cliché so only 1 size of a diapers and this amount will approximately stand for 3 full containers of 40 feet HC. For at least 4 sizes the order should be 12 containers!

In several years, we gained good experience in the sector and have good relations with our business partners. With the contribution of a highly capable 100BOX Team, we help our partners to create their own brand with feasible methods and lesser budgets.